

7 CHAKRAS - Properties and soul ascension  ★Sources : Preachings of Bramharshi Patriji, Anodea Iudith, Lion Goodman & Google * Entire Universe is made Of Energy and our Body Is No Exception.The 7 Chakras Play an Important Role to lead healthy and harmonious life  * 1) Root chakra (Mooladhara chakra) : i) Location : Base of the coccyx ii) Element : Earth  (Prudhvi Tathvam) iii)Matter : Solid and muscular structures (Survival without food –Few months) iv) Color : Blood Red v)Yoga : Grounding and balancing asanas  vi)Functions : Basic survival needs like food - Provided by earth to all 84 creatures vii) Soul : Infant soul (Saisava athma) * 2) Sacral Chakra (Swadhishtana chakra) i) Location : Above the pubic bone and three inches below the navel ii) Element: Water(Jala tathvam) iii) Matter : All fluids of the body (Survival without water- few days) iv)Color : Juicy Orange  v) Yoga : Poses that flow from one to another  (Surya Namaskar asanas/ Viny...

Seth Philosophy Part II (Weekly wisdom-March 2nd week):

31) If a problem in the physical world troubles you, imagine in your mind that it has been solved. Follow the principle of Visualization + Feelings + Emotions + Belief. This will solve the problem. 32) Practice a small exercise here. Sit comfortably in Sukhasana and close your eyes. Observe your breath for a few minutes. This will clear the chaos and thoughts in your mind. Then, feel the following: - There are no limits to soul power. The soul is not confined to the physical body; it pervades both inside and outside the body. - I am creating my reality. - All physical events in my life originate from my inner world. - The solutions to all problems and challenges in the physical world lie within my inner strength. I am overcoming my problems and challenges with my soul power. - I see these problems and challenges as physical events that enter my life to increase my wisdom. 33) Understand that when you have thoughts and opinions like abundant opportunities for wealth, happiness, respect ...

Seth Philosophy Part I (Weekly wisdom - March 1st week) : Translation by Smt.Sunitha Prasad

*Seth's stature in modern spiritual science parallels Einstein's prominence in modern physics. *Seth’s wisdom is a great natural resource which has emerged from relentless thirst for profound wisdom by Jane Roberts and Robert F Butts couple who were in their spiritual journey.  *Seth extended his enormous spiritual knowledge by channelling through  Jane Roberts from 1965 to 1985, sharing it with the world and illuminating an exceptionally complete understanding of spirituality on Earth today- Brahmarshi Subhash Patriji. 1. Every moment, you are creating your own reality. There is no other secret beyond this. 2. You receive infinite wisdom through your inner self. Discover the essence of your soul beyond the physical body! You are a part of the universal consciousness (All That Is) that exists everywhere and that is everything. You are the very essence of this universal consciousness. The universal consciousness is the divine nature! Your mental, spiritual and consciousness ab...

★Divine Laws of Universe : (Weekly wisdom - Jan 1st week)

1)You become what you think: *What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract.What you imagine, you create - Buddha *You are the creator of your own life - Master Seth *Ask, believe & receive - Rhonda Byrne *Disastrous thinking creates disasters. Negative thinking creates negative results. Positive thinking creates positive results. Miraculous thinking creates miracles - Patriji 2) You get what you give  *As you sow, so you reap  *As you spread happiness, so you get happiness  *More you give to universe, more & more you get from universe    3) You perceive what you are : *Everything is reflection of your own consciousness *Whatever emotion you have in present moment, it reflects in your relationships *As within, so without

Buddham saranam Gacchami ๐Ÿ™- Acharya Mahatria

Three principles of Buddha that are required to keep our energy levels right - Mahatria : 1.Buddham saranam Gacchami: -Buddha found a way to merge into this universal source of energy and that energy is expressing through him -There are three major dimensions to all of us. i) Physical personality: This is a level of action in which we are living our life ii) Psychological personality : This is our thoughts and feelings iii) Spiritual personality : This is our energy that manifests through our thoughts and feelings, culminating in action. -The way we are living our life to a very large extent – all of us, every time when we need to do some correction in our life, we try to work on it, at the level of action -just because we get our thoughts and feelings right, can guarantee everything will go right at the level of action always?’ No guarantees -Positive thinking doesn’t guarantee success, but negative thinking guarantees failure – so think positive to increase the probabilities of...

Diet charts for healthy life


Vegetarianism - Mr. Philip Wollen

Should Animals Be Off the Menu?An Animal Rights Article from *From Free From Harm, May 2012 *Text of Philip Wollen's 'Blazing Animal Rights Speech': -King Lear, late at night on the cliffs asks the blind Earl of Gloucester, “How do you see the world?” And the blind man Gloucester replies “I see it feelingly”. And shouldn’t we all? Animals must be off the menu because tonight they are screaming in terror in the slaughterhouses, in crates, and in cages. Vile ignoble gulags of despair. You see, I heard the screams of my dying father as his body was ravaged by the cancer that killed him. And I realised I'd heard those screams before. In slaughterhouse, their eyes stabbed out and their tendons slashed, on the cattle ships to the Middle East and the dying mother whale as a harpoon explodes in her brain as she calls out to her calf. Their cries were the cries of my father. I discovered that when we suffer, we suffer as equals. And in their capacity to suffer,...