
7 CHAKRAS - Properties and soul ascension 
★Sources : Preachings of Bramharshi Patriji, Anodea Iudith, Lion Goodman & Google
* Entire Universe is made Of Energy and our Body Is No Exception.The 7 Chakras Play an Important Role to lead healthy and harmonious life 
*1) Root chakra (Mooladhara chakra) :
i) Location : Base of the coccyx
ii) Element : Earth
 (Prudhvi Tathvam)
iii)Matter : Solid and muscular structures
(Survival without food –Few months)
iv) Color : Blood Red
v)Yoga : Grounding and balancing asanas 
vi)Functions : Basic survival needs like food - Provided by earth to all 84 creatures
vii) Soul : Infant soul (Saisava athma)
*2) Sacral Chakra
(Swadhishtana chakra)
i) Location : Above the pubic bone and three inches below the navel
ii) Element: Water(Jala tathvam)
iii) Matter : All fluids of the body (Survival without water- few days)
iv)Color : Juicy Orange 
v) Yoga : Poses that flow from one to another 
(Surya Namaskar asanas/ Vinyasa yogas like Adho Mukha Svanasana, Anjaneyasana, Uttanasana etc.)
vi)Functions : Center for senses of self : Creativity, Pleasure, joy, harmony etc.
vii)Soul : Child soul (Bala athma)
*3) Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra)
i) Location : Center of Navel
ii) Element : Fire (Agni Tathvam)
iii) Matter : Metabolism / Digestion / Regulation of body temperature / Removal of toxins from body
(Survical without fire-Few hours)
iv)Color: Stable Yellow 
v)Yoga : Vajrasana / Movements that sweat the body
vi)Functions : Center for Power, career excellence etc.
vii) Soul : Adolescent soul (Yavvana athma)
*4) Heart Chakra (Anahatha chakra)
i) Location : Center of chest
ii) Element : Air (Vayu tathvam)
iii) Matter : Vital energy
(Survival without air - Few minutes)
iv)Color: Nature Green 
v)Yoga : Pranayama / Valsalva and other breathing exercises 
vi) Functions : Center for love, compassion, trust, forgiveness, faith etc.
vii) Soul : Adult soul
Heart chakra represents intersection of materialistic and spiritual chakras
*5) Throat chakra (Visuddha chakra)
i) Location : Base of throat
ii) Element : Space
 (Aakasa tathvam)
iii) Matter : Container for all other elements
(Survival without ether - Few seconds)
iv)Color: Sky blue 
v) Yoga : Antarmukha Pranayama (Victorious breath )
•Out of 1.25 lakhs of pranayamas, Antarmukha Pranayama is ultimate pranayama that helps to maintain harmony between body, mind & soul)
vi)Functions : Center for communication,Intuition, Occult competence etc.
vii)Soul : Old soul
*6) Third Eye Chakra (Agna chakra)
i) Location : Between the eyebrows
ii) Matter : Governs Pituitary glands, lower brain, Eyes and Skull
iii) Yoga : Meditation (Aanaapaanasathi meditation -Breath is the king of mind))
iv)Functions : Wisdom, Completeness in everything etc.
v) Soul : Enlightened soul
 *7) Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)
i) Location : Thousand petaled lotus that rests on the seat of head
ii) State : Nirvana sthithi (Samadhi )
iii) Functions : Center for consciousness / universal oneness
•Connects us to divine source
Soul : Supreme soul (Paramaathma)
Note : If you understand the concept of chakras, you can recognize and embrace the soul plan guiding each individual. With every incarnation, everyone undergoes an upgrade.


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