★Divine Laws of Universe : (Weekly wisdom - Jan 1st week)
1)You become what you think:
*What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract.What you imagine, you create - Buddha
*You are the creator of your own life - Master Seth
*Ask, believe & receive - Rhonda Byrne
*Disastrous thinking creates disasters. Negative thinking creates negative results.
Positive thinking creates positive results. Miraculous thinking creates miracles - Patriji
2) You get what you give
*As you sow, so you reap
*As you spread happiness, so you get happiness
*More you give to universe, more & more you get from universe
3) You perceive what you are :
*Everything is reflection of your own consciousness
*Whatever emotion you have in present moment, it reflects in your relationships
*As within, so without
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