7 CHAKRAS - Properties and soul ascension ★Sources : Preachings of Bramharshi Patriji, Anodea Iudith, Lion Goodman & Google * Entire Universe is made Of Energy and our Body Is No Exception.The 7 Chakras Play an Important Role to lead healthy and harmonious life * 1) Root chakra (Mooladhara chakra) : i) Location : Base of the coccyx ii) Element : Earth (Prudhvi Tathvam) iii)Matter : Solid and muscular structures (Survival without food –Few months) iv) Color : Blood Red v)Yoga : Grounding and balancing asanas vi)Functions : Basic survival needs like food - Provided by earth to all 84 creatures vii) Soul : Infant soul (Saisava athma) * 2) Sacral Chakra (Swadhishtana chakra) i) Location : Above the pubic bone and three inches below the navel ii) Element: Water(Jala tathvam) iii) Matter : All fluids of the body (Survival without water- few days) iv)Color : Juicy Orange v) Yoga : Poses that flow from one to another (Surya Namaskar asanas/ Viny...
Powerful Lotus sutra of Buddhism - by Nichiren *Mantra : "Nam myoho renge kyo" *Meaning : -Nam- Dedicate oneself -myo- mystic -ho- law ( law of simultaneous cause & effect ) -renge - Lotus -kyo - sutra ( Lotus is the only plant to flower & fruit at the same time ) *Summary : I dedicate my life to the wonderful law of cause & effect , represented by lotus flower. *We have unlimited power to burn all our past karmas instantly by receiving prana sakthi from universe, like lotus which blossoms simultaneously from seed to flower. *Effects of lotus sutra : - To believe in lotus sutra is to have faith in one's unlimited potential. - Lotus sutra transforms the life of even the most unhappy person into life of supreme happiness. *The greatest fulfilment in life is found in working for the happiness of others-Nichiren ◆Bhagavad Gita(Chapter 5/verse10) -Brahmaṇyādhāya karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā karoti yaḥ lipyate na sa pāpena padma-patram ivāmbhasā - Translation:Thos...
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